2023 Aug 21-25 Summer Camp - 5 days - Ages 7-12 - Electrical Engineering & LEGO EV3 Robotics: Robotic Olympics
Morning Course:
Aerospace Engineering: Up Up and Away
Students use the Engineering Design Process to design, create, test, and refine a variety of flying machines. They construct a shock absorbing system designed to protect two marshmallow astronauts in a lunar vehicle, create their own air powered rockets, and assemble a model blimp that actually takes flight!
Afternoon Course:
LEGO EV3 Robotics: Robo Battles
The classes in the LEGO® EV3 Robotics Program are designed to introduce students to both robot building as well as programming. The students will build robots to accomplish a specific task while using their imagination to make their robot better than the basic robot.
Throughout this course, the students will explore different ways in which a robot could be utilized to engage in various battle challenges.
Time : 9:00 am - 3:30 pm
Location: Futian International School, 11675 SW Butner Rd. Portland, OR 97225 (Previously Named Amiguitos Preschool Westside)
Phone: 503-914-9995
Full Day Tuition: $419
Full day students must bring a nuts-free lunch & snacks. Half day students must bring a nut free snacks. (drinking water provided)
If we would like to register for half day camp, please visit:
2023 Aug 21-25Ages 7-12 - Electrical Engineering & LEGO EV3: Robotic Olympics
Aug 21-25, 2023