2023 Aug 7-11 Summer Camp - Ages 4-7 - Junior LEGO Robotics: Wild Animals & Engineers Under Construction
Morning Course:
Junior LEGO Robotics: Wild Animals
This class is a perfect mixture of fun and learning, using LEGO® WeDo™ Robots. Using LEGO® bricks, students build a Hungry Alligator, Roaring Loin, Flying Bird. They also learn how to program and operate their creations using a laptop computer.
Afternoon Course:
Engineers under Construction
Put on your hard hats engineers and join us for our The Engineering of Cities! In this camp, students work hard to apply their knowledge of construction to save the beach from erosion and build their very own city from the ground up. From roads and tunnels to buildings and skyscrapers, students discover that no job is too tough for an Engineering for Kids engineer! Building a city is more than roads and skyscrapers. In this camp, students explore civil, mechanical, and environmental engineering. Students explore the engineering behind objects they see daily: skyscrapers, roads, tunnels, and even cranes.
Time : 9:00 am - 3:30 pm
Location: Futian International School, 11675 SW Butner Rd. Portland, OR 97225 (Previously Named Amiguitos Preschool Westside)
Phone: 503-914-9995
Full Day Tuition: $419
Full day students must bring a nuts-free lunch & snacks. Half day students must bring a nut free snacks. (drinking water provided)
If we would like to register for half day camp, please visit:
2023 Aug 7-11-Ages4-7-Jr LEGO Robotics:Wild Animals&Engineers Under Construction
Aug 7-11, 2023