2023 Aug 21-25 Summer Camp - 5 days - Ages 4-7 - Junior Scratch and Makey Makey & Junior Chemical Engineering
Morning Course:
Junior Scratch and MaKey MaKey: Musical Adventures
When your favorite song comes on the radio do you sit quietly or do you dance around and play the air drum solo? In Musical Adventures With Scratch and Makey Makey, we are going to explore how different sounds are created and we will create our own interpretations of common musical instruments like drums, piano, guitar, and even a recorder, and we will create our very own dancing program, all through the use of Makey Makey and Scratch to bring our music to life! The last day will end with a bang, or at least a really great mini concert from all of our students!
Afternoon Course:
Junior Chemical Engineering: Crazy Concoctions
This class introduces our youngest engineer to fundamental concepts of solids, liquids, and solutions. Students investigate the properties of several crazy concoctions and make their own samples of bubbles, play dough, flub, and more.
Time : 9:00 am - 3:30 pm
Location: Futian International School, 11675 SW Butner Rd. Portland, OR 97225 (Previously Named Amiguitos Preschool Westside)
Phone: 503-914-9995
Full Day Tuition: $419
Full day students must bring a nuts-free lunch & snacks. Half day students must bring a nut free snacks. (drinking water provided)
If we would like to register for half day camp, please visit:
2023 Aug 21-25 - Ages 4-7 - Jr Scratch and Makey Makey & Jr Chemical Engineering
Aug 21-25, 2023